Welcome to Inkspot! I'm not even sure who came up with this idea. I know somebody suggested that a bunch of authors who have the same publisher, Midnight Ink, a subsidiary/imprint of Llewellyn Worldwide, should start a listserv so we could communicate with each other, primarily with the notion of helping each other to promote our work.
Then someone suggested we set up a blog and presto, here we are. At the moment we're going to talk primarily about writing and publishing, although if my experience with blogs, my own and others, is any indication, it will evolve. I'm sure some people will drop out, either due to lack of interest, time, or because they move to other publishers or stop publishing; new people will come on, topics will range and evolve.
That's a good thing, I think.
I have not read all of the authors who blog here, but I've read some and it's a talented bunch. We range from taut international thrillers and biotech apocalyptic thrillers to humorous cozies and seemingly everything in between. Hopefully you'll find plenty of unique voices to fill every taste, both here on the blog and in the novels.
And me? My name is Mark Terry. I'm a fulltime freelance writer, editor and novelist. That means I spend most of my work life alone staring at a computer screen, sometimes in the company of imaginary people. It ain't glamorous, but I love it. I'm the author of the Derek Stillwater thriller series. Derek is a troubleshooter for the Department of Homeland Security, ex-Army Special Forces and an expert on biological and chemical terrorism and warfare. The first of those books, THE DEVIL'S PITCHFORK, came out October 2006. The second, THE SERPENT'S KISS, will be out July 1, 2007. I've also published two other books. The first was CATFISH GURU, a collection of mystery novellas featuring forensic toxicologist Dr. Theo MacGreggor, and DIRTY DEEDS, featuring freelance computer troubleshooter Meg Malloy. If you want to know more, please visit my website at http://www.markterrybooks.com/ or visit my own blog at www.markterrybooks.com/blog.html
And above all, drop us a line, ask us questions, tell us what you think. One of the joys of blogging is the conversations, the feedback and the community. We're inviting you to come and hang out with a bunch of writers. What could be cooler than that?
Mark Terry
Mark Terry
I love the picture. Which one is me?
Great post, cool group photo.
Um . . . would Adobe PhotoShop be able to add some cute shoes for my monkey?
Thanks for starting us off, Mark!
Unfortunately, you and I are the bald monkeys. :)
Candy, they don't have any pants on! You're worried about shoes?
Not much could be cooler than that, Mark! I've added InkSpot to my feed.
And that's the coolest graphic you guys have!
Who gave Terry another place to spout off?
Hello, Inkspotters! I'll put this one among my daily wanderings.
I really love the monkeys. I am the one in the middle, only much prettier.
Also, the monkey on the right looks exactly like Einstein. Seriously.
"... I am the one in the middle, only much prettier."
Geeeze.... :)
I'm the 3 one from the left ... the one in the back trying to hide the results of too many cheeseburgers.
Seriously, GREAT START!
Sue Ann
That's me, fifth from the left, poking my head in at the last minute.
Susan Goodwill
Great post, Mark! I think it's worth mentioning how much hard work Joe put into developing the site.
Mark Terry: What I really meant to say is: I am the monkey in the middle, only with better hair products.
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