Saturday, April 3, 2010

Inkspot News - April 3, 2010

G.M. Malliet is interviewed by Carol Casey in the latest CUA Magazine. The spooky, ghost-haunting-a-monastery photo is by genius photographer Ed Pfueller.

Alan Orloff has two upcoming radio appearances. On Tuesday, April 6 at 7:38 a.m. Pacific Time, he will be interviewed by Baron Ron Herron on KZSB 1290 AM, Santa Barbara, CA. Also syndicated/rebroadcast on KNRY AM 1240 (Monterey), KNWZ-II (Palm Springs), and 99.7 (Queensland, Australia). Hear it streaming on-line here. On Wednesday, April 7 at 9:45 a.m. Central Time, he will appear on Let's Talk w/Jena O'Connor on KORN 1490 AM, Mitchell SD.


Alice Loweecey said...

GM, you went to CUA too?! It's a very small world! What year did you graduate? 1984 for me.

Darrell James said...

Loved the article, GM, the photo was excellent... and what's up with Orloff? He's becoming a regular media hound!!! Great job, both of you!