Voilá. Poof. Presto Chango …
I’m not a mystery writer—I’m a thriller writer. Well, I’m both really. The
difference is a combination of nuance and delivery—at least to me it is—and
after three edits and rewrites, I hope I delivered the right set of genre
pieces-parts—now, if only my beta-readers agree my thriller is truly a thriller
and not a twisted mystery, I’m half-way there. The second half will be my
agent. And let me tell you, she’s the real judge …
jury and executioner, too.
When I typed “The End” on my new novel, it was the nineth time. Of my
nine novels, only four of them have been thrillers—and none of these have been
published yet. Of the remaining five, all are mysteries and four are published
(the fifth, New Sins for Old Scores, will be out in early 2017 from Black Opal
Books). So, the last time I wrote a thriller was nearly seven years ago and the
thought of rekindling this genre under my fingers was intimidating.
My decision to write this thriller after publishing four mysteries was
not simple. Four years ago, when Dying to
Know was first contracted with Midnight Ink for a series, I had penned two
other novels I loved. One was a tradional, hardboiled mystery and the other a
thriller. After completing three more mysteries after Dying to Know, I decided it was time for a change. About eighteen
months ago, I sat at my favorite Greek taverna in McLean, Virginia—oddly enough
called, The Greek Taverna, with my
mentor, Wally F., and debated the path forward—the hardboiled mystery or my
thriller. Both would require wholesale rewrites and essentially new plotlines
because they were rooted in current events at that time. The battle raged between
Wally and me for three weeks. That’s six lunches, three dinners, and countless
telephone skirmishes. In that time, we’d agreed on a course, changed tact,
argued, and re-agreed on which novel to write. Actually, we did that two or
three times. His favorite was the thriller. Mine was the mystery—afterall, I’d
just written four in a row and felt more comfortable with the genre. To write
the thriller would require adjusting my mindset and recalibrating my brain. If
I could. Yikes.
The stalemate continued. During the next six months, I worked on both
at the same time. One week was the thriller, the next was the mystery. I felt
bipolar and dyslexic all at the same time. Enough. It was time for a command
decision. I would write what I wanted! There … take that …
And then the unthinkable. I lost Wally to age and a bad heart at 92.
During an all-nighter in the hospital—he knew he wouldn’t last another day—and
with high spirits, he confided many things in me. Most of which will never be
repeated. He also left me with a last request—write the damn thriller!
Yes, sir. Just what I was thinking…
And so it began. The hardest part of writing this novel was un-writing
the original draft. I loved the storyline and characters. But it was outdated
and I’d learned so much about writing in the several years since I’d finished
draft one. So I sat down and in about four months had totally rewritten the
book. Then I read it. A very large problem jumped out at me. I had taken a
pretty good thriller and turned it into a mediocre murder mystery.
Seems that after writing four mysteries, my thought process and plot
development cells were focused on just that—crafting another whodunit. Except I needed a whatsabouttohappen.
Right about now, you’re probably saying, “Huh?” Just like I did when I
reached the ending—unless you’re a writer yourself. The difference between a
thriller and a mystery is often a moving target, a shimmering line between
genres that you cross carefully and leave a trail of breadcrumbs to find your
way home.
You see, in essence, a mystery is cerebral … it’s an event—a murder in
my case—in the beginning and a mind game of events on the reader’s chase to the
suspect. You must use wit and reason to solve the crime. You already know the “what happened.” The story plays out for the
reader to find out who and why, and bag the killer. It’s clues and characters
and subliminal hits and red herrings. In the end, it’s “Gotcha.” A thriller is
more suspense, action, and outcome. The reader often knows what the big-bang is
at the end—or the possibilities of the big event—and often knows the good guys
and the bad guys, too. Or most of them. In a thriller, it’s about the journey
to that event—ups, downs, twists, turns, thrills, and spills until WHAM! The
big finale … Oh sure, many thrillers are about murders or at least have murders
involved. But its not in the whodunit,
but more in the whydunit and whatsabouttohappen or not happen. (Can I
copywrite those phrases?)
So in draft one of my “thriller,” I clearly abandoned my original plot
and returned to whodunit. It was slow and methodical. There were clues and
evidence and crime scenes and all manner of facts to fluster the reader. But
there was no thriller. No suspense. Oh, a few shoot-em-ups and spills, but it
lacked the thrust of the genre—whatsabouttohappen.
Hence, draft two and then three. Finally… more pizazz, less whodunits, and more whatsabouttohappen. The outcome—the pass/fail—will be decided this
coming Sunday when my beta-reader group comes together over a fancy meal and
lots of wine. They’ve all read my mysteries. Now—gulp—I’m waiting on their score. It’ll be a no-holds-barred
critique of my novel where the only thing I’m guaranteed is the dinner tab.
So far, I’ve received a couple snippets from two of my betas. One said,
“Do you know you write like Dashiell Hammett? And another said, “This is your
best mystery …er… novel. I love who did it!” Based on these preambles, I may be
doing draft four this summer.
So charge. Onto the rewrites. Bring on the critique. Let the dissection
And yes, Wally F. I wrote the damn thriller. I promised … and yes,
you’re in it—again.

author of Dying to Know, Dying for the
Past, and Dying to Tell—and New Sins for Old Scores, a new
paranormal mystery coming in 2017! He is currently working on a new thriller.
Tj is an international security consultant specializing in anti-terrorism,
investigations, and threat analysis—life experiences that drive his novels.
With his former life as a government agent and years as a consultant, he has
lived and worked around the world in places like Greece, Turkey, Italy,
Germany, the United Kingdom, and throughout the Americas—among others. He was
raised in New York's Hudson Valley and lives with his wife and Lab companions
in Virginia where they raised five children. Dying to Know is also the 2015
Bronze Medal winner of the Reader’s
Favorite Book Review Awards, a finalist for the Silver Falchion Best Books of 2014, and a finalist for the Foreword Review’s 2014 INDIEFAB Book of the
Year Award.
Learn about Tj’s world at:
Blog: http://tjoconnorbooks.blogspot.com/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7148441.T_J_O_Connor