So I've written three books. All have been done during NaNoWriMo, better known as National Novel Writing Month, where you attempt to pound out at least 50,000 words of a novel during the month of November. My first to-be-published book, the Bingo Barge Murder, was my third go. The next book in the Shay O'Hanlon series is due to Midnight Ink March 1st, so I thought I would try a JulyWriMo and try to get the first draft done by the end of August. Hmm. I guess I should actually call it JulAugWriMo. Anyway, it would give me plenty of time to revise and rip and rewrite before the due date.
I hadn't thought about it, but there's only one main distraction in November: Thanksgiving. And while usually a big "I ate too much" stomachache is the worst of that, July is proving to boast many more diversions. The fact it's in the middle of summer is the most obvious. Then there's the 4th of July, which can go for at least four days if you plan it right. And the 'I have to weed the patio plants and the cracks in the sidewalk' chore. Those darn weeds just keep popping back up! Household projects like roofing, installing new counters, and trying to decide what kind of new appliances we MUST have add another sort of exciting dimension to preoccupation.
However, between these, indulgences, shall we call them, I am pumping out words. I just need to increase the output by a few hundred a day and all will be fine. I'm a writer now, and I better act like one. Right after a little snooze on the deck in the shade.
Jessie Chandler
Author of the Bingo Barge Murder
Shay O'Hanlon Mystery Series
I thought it was just me--the weeds growing in the sidewalk cracks are consuming my attention with a vengence this summer. No time to write--have to plan the attack with powerwasher and new sand! Need to rest before attack though...
Congratulations on getting books done during NaNoWriMo! I've never 'won', but it does add a welcome boost to my word counts.
My wife began and finished her first novel during NaNoWriMo (in different years...).
Chores? When I think about those, I lie down until the feeling goes away.
I think summer is just as distracting as other times of the year! At least, it has been for me. :) Good luck with the writing...and the weeds!
Hey, J! I recommend Round Up for those nasty weeds... hehe... sure wish that I had your diligence in writing and sticking to it... you go, girl!
Hey, Jess. You'll be fine. Pretend it's a Minnesota winter when it's 90 something degrees outside...use your imagination! You're a WRITER! lol
Even though I live in an apt w/o gardens and sidewalks that need to be weed free, distractions still abound. Hey, we could say distractions are the weeds of a writer's life. My distractions are closets that beckon to be cleaned (yet never get done). And cats. Have you noticed how difficult it is to write when a cat is snoozing and snoring less than a foot away from your keyboard?
Nice post, Jessie. Can't wait to read the final version of your book! Good luck with the rollout of novel #2!
Looking forward to hearing more about your upcoming series!
I'm so impressed you wrote a book-in-month and you're going to do it again! So it really works.
I've never tried NaNoWriMo, although I've heard a lot of writers say it works for them. Good luck with it!
That's a cute blog, Jessie. Here's hoping the weather cools down and Hooch helps your muse plug along in the book. Can't wait to read it!
New appliances? Chores? Naps? Geez ... how do you find time to crank out all those words you've already written? You're an inspiration ... or maybe it's perspiration? I enjoyed the blog post - well done! I'm excited to read your next book.
Jessie, nice posting. Tough for me to regain momentum after a week in NYC, but I'd better get to it!
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