Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Revisions in Oblivion

So I'm working on the last my of revisions for Hide and Snake Murder: Book 2 in the Shay O'Hanlon Caper series. As I'm going along, I come across simple things that I think I will remember from one book to the next, but of course I don't. Things like Boxer or boxer (when it comes to referring to dogs), or AM or A.M. or am?

I did get a style sheet for my first book, but now that I'm cranking away on revisions for the second bbook, do you think I can find it? Of course not. Then a light bulb popped on and I figured I could look in my first book and see how things were done. However, I'm not at home, and don't have a copy with me. So it was a good idea that fizzled fast. Of course, I tried to check the site given to me by my poor, put-upon (by me) editor Nicole (http://www.onelook.com/) but 29 citations came up--both capped and uncapped. So I decided I'll do my best and let Nicole have at it, although I do try and do whatever I can to make it easier for her, and do it right the first time--if possible.

I do have a copy of The Elements of Style, but that doesn't always cover the things I have questions about, especially for subjective stuff that varies from one publishing house to the next. So how do the rest of you keep track of those pesky revision rules...which way this or that is supposed to go, what's capped and what's not, and all the rest of it?


Beth Groundwater said...

Style Sheet? I didn't get no f*#@ing style sheet! What did I miss out on? ;-)

I do have the Elements of Style, and when I travel to my second home, I always carry my laptop and memory stick with me, both of which should have up-to-date copies of all of my manuscripts and ancillary files on them. Notice the "should". Mistakes DO happen.

I need those manuscripts and files to answer questions like: What color are Gonzo's eyes again? Has Roger ever used a gun? What kind of music does Judy like? etc. etc.

Cricket McRae said...

Style sheet? Haven't seen one of those since my software days. I guess I kind of made up my own, though (must have spent an hour figuring out whether or not to capitalize Bocce), as well as a simple database for character traits like eye color, age, vehicle, etc.

Darrell James said...

It's the part that makes me CRAZY! I guess I'll take your lead, Jessie, and try to come up with a system.

Robin Allen said...

I'm a professional technical editor and copy editor, so a lot of that stuff is ingrained. It's the stuff the publisher prefers that trips me up, so I'll look at my published book or the electronic version to refresh my memory.

(I didn't receive a style sheet either.)

Jessie Chandler said...

Beth, Cricket, Darrell, and Robin...apparently I sucked enough to need a style sheet LOL!!! I'll learn sooner or later. I'll try to keep a copy of my book nearby so I'll be able to look up stuff as needed. If I were only more organized! The other thing I need to do is work up character bibles...I'm so tired of looking up the same stuff, and if I just managed to write it down all together somehwere, life would be a lot easier :-)

Kathleen Ernst said...

That stuff makes me crazy too. I meant to start building a character log with book one but never found time. And while editing/proofing book 2 I looked back at book 1 from time to time. Thank goodness for the search function!

Lori L. Lake said...

Sometimes all you can do is keep track on your own and try your hardest to be consistent. Lucky you have BBM as your general style guide!

Jessie Chandler said...

Kathleen, I totally get the character thing! I've started one probably three times and have gotten distracted every time. And Lori, it is a good thing inhabd BBM to use as a guide! Every little bit helps :-)

Terri Bischoff said...

Jessie - it's a good thing you have Nicole to whip you into shape!! Your post made her laugh :)

Jessie Chandler said...

Terri, you ain't kiddin'!!!!