From Tom Schreck, Author of the Duffy Dombrowski Mysteries
Over at Facebook we've formed a new group to knock around things like fight scenes in mysteries, martial arts in fiction, boxing and all other things related to both fictional and nonfictional ass kicking. I had no idea how popular the discussions were going to be so I decided to post the first discussion question here as well.
Here it is:
Duffy's Dombrowski's Fight Club Question of the Day 7:22am
You may have noticed quite a few Fight Club members are women.
In fiction women are always kicking ass. Sometimes it's Steph Plum doing whatever it takes, sometimes its Jack Daniels practicing her Tae Kwon Do and, of course, there's many many others.
I've judged plenty of pro women's boxing and some karate and kick boxing.
The question I have for the fight club is how realistic do you find it when a small woman uses her skills to beat up on the fictional bad guys?
Can even the most skilled boxers or martial artists overcome the size and strength deficits their opposition challenges them with?
Come out swinging at the bell.
And if you think you're tough enough to join the fight club click here:
And why not look like a badass too? Go to www.cafepress.com/TomSchreck to get yourself some kick ass Duffy Dombrowski Fight Club gear!
"Can even the most skilled boxers or martial artists overcome the size and strength deficits their opposition challenges them with?"
If size and strength were the only keys to winning a fight, I'd say "no." Fortunately, speed, experience, patience, and mental agility also count. Training, also. Is Krav Maga a better choice than Judo, for example? Who wins if you put a Tae Kwon Do master against an Aikido master? Are you in a ring or an alley?
Too many variables. But to answer the basic question, yeh, it's perfectly realistic for a woman to kick a man's ass.
Tom, there are so many women in Duffy's Fight Club because Duffy's so damn cute (and so are you).
As for skill overcoming size - I think you also have to factor in how scared or pissed off the woman is.
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