Now, though, I am really confused.
I’ve told friends that I just wanted the Giants to win the World Series before I die. Last night I watched TV and I think I saw them win their fourth game. Really? Am I still in Fantasyland?
I grew up watching the Giants finish in 2nd place five straight seasons despite the presence of such baseball deities as Willie Mays and Juan Marichal. I was in

This lifelong experience with the Giants has colored my outlook on life. Something bad is always ready to snatch away consummation of your dream. This world-view might be what drove me to writing fiction. In Fantasyland I can control what happens.
So now I am still dazed. Did the Giants win or am I as delusional as ever? Ever an optimist, today I’m going up to San Francisco to watch the Giants' victory parade.
If this is a delusion, don’t wake me up!
P.S. I received a text message from my agent last night right after the last out: “Now you can die in peace.” I replied, “Please not yet.” And he hastened to text back, “No, no, first a deal [on your next book] and grandchildren.” (Considering I still have an 11-year old child at home, that could be awhile.)
P.S. I received a text message from my agent last night right after the last out: “Now you can die in peace.” I replied, “Please not yet.” And he hastened to text back, “No, no, first a deal [on your next book] and grandchildren.” (Considering I still have an 11-year old child at home, that could be awhile.)
The Giants won the World Series? Where have I been? Oh yeah, in my own fantasy land.
A new book deal and grandchildren will give you even more to live for. :)
Thanks for those photos! What a great series it was, erasing all the "torture" we've been through, coming so close but never getting there. Until now. Enjoy the parade!!
Keith, I tend toward a blind-eyed, "miracles do happen" kind of optimism about things. (That's my delusion). Thanks to the Giants I can hang on to my fatasy a little longer. Enjoy the parade!
Congratulations! And yes, you definitely need to find something new to to fill in the "before I die" sentence.
We'll need another photo of the victory parade.
For certain, miracles happen.
Sue Ann, The Giants won the World Series? I've been waiting a lifetime for this and I did notice.
Carol and Gin, posted photos of the parade on Facebook.
Darrell and Kathleen, what should I replace waiting for the Giants with?
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