The laundry is about done, the gear is rinsed and drying in the shower, I’m mopping up all the emails and issues that came up in the last week and our dive trip is now memories. But what a mess of memories we accumulated in just one week. I know this post has nothing to do with writing (unless I set my next book along a reef somewhere--which I might) but my brain is too vacation addled to focus.
We have the good:

Diving on Bonaire is amazing. There are so many shore dives with a short swim out to a reef we’d have to go back for years to dive them all. Corral looks like something from a Walt Disney acid trip and fish are so abundant and diverse we’d constantly have our mouths agape if we didn’t have to keep the regulator firmly rooted to breathe.
Then there was the bad:
This is a Lion fish. They are invasive and breed like rabbits on speed.
And Bad as in the sorry sack, bottom feeder who busted our window and slinked his way inside to steal my laptop.

And last but certainly not least, there is the ugly:
Who else has some vacation stories to share?
Looks like an amazing vacation, Shannon! Except for the break-in.
My life is sort of a vacation, so I don't usually leave, but when I do, I like to visit any Texas beach.
Hey Robin,
We stopped in Houston for a long layover and to see Dave's granddaughters. We saw some Texas water, not exactly a beach, though.
Lovely photos, Shannon. Sounds like terrific fun, and personally I think everything we do is related to writing! (Gotta disagree about the ugly, though - the iguana is beautiful, and the eel, well, in his own way.... :-))
Guess I'll go walk the beach this afternoon!
Your post reminded me how much I loved snorkeling, although I haven't been in many years. I never got the hang of dive equipment, though. Sounds like a wonderful trip--except for the stolen laptop. Just hearing about that makes me hyperventilate.
Sheila, this is the first trip for our underwater camera. We had a ton of fun learning how to use it. We need a lot more practice. A LOT ;)
Kathleen, diving is easier for me. I always end up sucking in salt water when I snorkel. As for the laptop, most of my stuff is backed up. My new laptop arrives today. It could have been so much worse!
Loved the eel video, Shannon! I've been to Aruba and Curacao on either side of Bonaire, but not to Bonaire itself. I'll have to out it on my travel list.
Beth, I wasn't too impressed by the island itself. But the diving was spectacular. In fact, diving is about all there is to do there.
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